Here Be Dragons

The bronze dragon's muzzle is clamped shut. He turns and glares, trying to jump up and fly off, but that fails. So instead, he lowers his head and charges. His mouth might be blocked, preventing his breath and bite, and he can't fly, but he still has quite a hefty amount of weight to put into the charge.

The red orc dragon (or possibly dragon-orc, as the dragon is her true form) is not affected by the flames, possessing incredibly heat-resistant scales. But the Elder Dragon is on the ground now, and she turns quickly and dives to join him. Her forelimbs and head are outstretched, ready to use her claws and teeth to rend her foe.

Oh, yeah, DnD type dragons have six limbs- four legs and two wings. Sorry; forgot to mention that. Or more accurately, forgot that Skyrim dragons only have four limbs, two legs and two wings. Plus the tail they both have.