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    Titan in the Playground
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    Derby, UK

    Default Re: My Little Pony LIII: Stashing Ponythreads Around in Case of Ponymergency!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    But true. You're not as scared of me as you claim.
    Perhaps you WANT me to track you down.
    Pfft. It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't make it anything other than wishful thinking...

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Pffff. I'm not worrie about birds, I'm a prince of AAAAAGHCHAAARIZAAARD
    And that is why you don't cast aspersions of the members of Carnage Team...

    Doesn't like Carnage Team consists of like, seven hundred Pokemon or something?

    Nah, technically only all the Pokemon in my primary teams. So about a third of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS
    Sweet. That's a recommendation if ever I've heard one.
    He might only be doing to covers or something, as on inspection of the subscription he is not mentioned as the primary artist. We'll see. Still, even getting him involved oh Lichemaster, Lixie is stalking me! The horror, the horror, the horror! AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH! *skulldesk* *skulldesk** skulldesk* peripherally is cool.

    Yeah, there we go, there's that terror! He was right, it did just take a while to sink in!



    *eyeglow twitch*

    *eyeglow twitch*



    So, ANYWAY, the Jalyrkieons won their first hard-fought victory on the ground today against the Cybertanks, after a real back-and-forth conflict. The end finally came when the Shyroen MBTs rolled down into the valley we were fighting over, and ran into the Cybertank's Eradicator, the heavy tank that is also their local CnC. They died horribly, but in exposing the Eradicator, their sacrifice was worth it.

    Despite the Hierarchy CnC fracking it up totally with his communications (which would have levelled a storm of missiles on it), the Jalyrkieons pressed the attack, with the infantry rolling up out of the woods onto a ridgeline where they could get a shot off. They began taking shows at the Eradicator's shields. As it sat hull-down, it could not bring either it's ID arrays nor it's gatlings to bear, meaning it had to call up a Cohesion Supressopn tank to deal with the infantry. Despite heavy losses, they kept picking at the shields, each salvo and return fire meaning the two Cybertanks were slowly running out of time and to shoot back, and the shooting getting wilder and wilder. Finally, one of the Okam APCs rolled up to deliver the final shot which would drop the shields (allow the Scovocsper VTOLs held in reserve to finish it), an action that was expected to cost the vehicle.

    It fired.

    It hit.

    It rolled a natural 20 on the armour penetration. (I mean, like literally, Manouvre Group uses D20s.) Anything other than a 20 would have resulted in no effect, given that the shields were still up for that hit.

    But it did get a 20, which meant it ignored the shields (ironically rendering all the infantry's shield-stripping efforts somewhat redundant!). And even on the bottom of the penetration verses armour table (given how much weaker than the armour the Okam's shrapnel cannon is), a natural 20 was still a "neutralised" result - bad for enough any vehicle, but entirely fatal to a living Cybertank.

    And that was the end of that. The death of the CnC basically means the entire army gets suppressions (which means they can't shoot back in the short term) - giving the Scovocspers ample time to pop safely up out of cover and take several of the remaining Cybertanks out without having to worry about being shot back at, effectively ending the resistance.

    Got to hand it the Okams - first shot fired in any game by the APCs, and it one-shots the biggest tank on the battle field, that also happens to be the enemy CnC.

    (I didn't feel too bad, since both players had some very good - and very dreadful - luck (the Cybertanks in particular lived up to their reputation as the galaxy worst shots - and one point, the other player rolled five D20 in a row, who's combined total was nine! And the Jalyrkieon command vehicle rolled a 1 on his communication roll at a critical juncture...)

    Very hard fought, tactical battle, that very narrowly went to the Jalyrkieons. (The odds were fairly good I was going to take out the Eradicator that round whatever, but the Okams saved a few more needless casualties, namely the Scovocspers from having to make a risky pop-up attack that would likely have meant one of the pair would have bought it.)

    Now if you'll excuse me, I feel a sudden an inexplicable urge to curl into a fetal position and gibber with unabashed terror.
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2012-09-20 at 06:29 PM.