Celestials from Marvel.

Thanos's race from Marvel.

The Kyrptonians pre Brianiac.

Babylon 5 operates in the Kilo - Megaton range, and aren't a threat on any measurable scale.

The Downstreamers.

King Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo! beats them all aside from maybe all the Big 4 as 1.

The Forerunners or the Precursors from Halo if their ability to produce and use the Halo Rings could be extrapolated to include a way to preserve themselves.

The Protoss pre their anti militarization is speculated to have weapon output that shames everything else in the game. With planet cracker lasers having been standard ship equipment going by some books.

The Skrulls from Marvel.

The Kree from Marvel.

The Inhumans from Marvel would take it in a sweep. (See: War of Kings. Black Bolt screams and rips a hole in the universe 13.42 parsecs wide or 43.7711208 light years across.)

There are plenty of settings that take them in a sweep, they're just on that edge where it's either a stomp one way or another with very few people (Star Wars, Star Trek.) balancing there with them.