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Thread: Kings and Queens of Geekery

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kings and Queens of Geekery

    Doug Walker, aka Thatguywiththeglasses has profited quite well. He started with a webshow called Nostalgia Critic where he reviewed old movies in a humorous fashion. Now he seems to make quite a bit of money with his web channel, which is hosting dozens of webshows, has its own studio and placed him on magazine cover as the young entrepreneur of the year.

    Gabe and Tycho of Penny Arcade are huge as well. I haven't read the webcomic in ages, but they host several web shows as well, now, and they have their own game convention.

    I personally enjoy Graham Stark and Paul Saunders' (and their assorted friends') web show LoadingReadyRun on The Escapist quite a bit, and they are hosting several things, now. Among them video game news/comedy hybrid Checkpoint on Penny Arcade.
    Last edited by Eldan; 2012-09-21 at 04:23 PM.
    Resident Vancian Apologist