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    Troll in the Playground
    gooddragon1's Avatar

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    Dec 2005
    In the playground

    Default Re: My Little Pony LIII: Stashing Ponythreads Around in Case of Ponymergency!

    So I was flipping through channels on my at&t uverse and got to some channel named the hub. And I saw this thing:

    I then immediately realized that the hub symbol I had seen in some funny clips was this same one. Apparently this show appears at 3:38 am and perhaps before/after this time on Sunday for my location. I of course immediately turned off the TV even though no one else is up so as to save my reputation and prevent any possible repercussions that might arise if I would be seen. I also just remembered that I will need to change the channel 2 times to make sure there is no evidence of association with that channel as I am person of the paranoid variety.

    Bottom line: Too much of a chicken to watch the show... even when no one else would know.

    EDIT: There, changed the channel to 2 and 4 (news channels). Now, no one will suspect anything. As usual I delete my internet history of this page as well but that's just normal precautions.

    EDIT2: Just asked my cat whether or not this was the right course of action and he agreed with me (after I petted him a bit in such a way that he nodded).
    Last edited by gooddragon1; 2012-09-23 at 05:51 AM.
    There is no emotion more useless in life than hate.