Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
Came out to my mum yesterday. It went far better than I expected - as well as it possibly could, really - but was still very, very draining.

Happy, but tired
Hooray!!! That's such good news!

Maybe once you've rested up a bit, you could give us a blow-by-blow? Some of us still need tips on how to go about this sort of thing.

Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
Thanks all, and further thanks for all the support I've gotten :)

@ Succubus - I'd hoped to sleep in today a bit, but my daughter decided to come over early and wake me up about two hours earlier than I'd planned. And back to work tomorrow, then an early start for electrolysis after that, lol. So hopefully a good night's sleep tonight.

@ Celtic - no party just yet. Still have to tackle my Dad, my daughter (and more importantly her mother - who will either be totally fine or find it clashes with her belief structure and make things... problematic). Daughter herself I'm not too worried about really, she's pretty easy going.

I am planning to have a party around the time I'm done with electrolysis & had a tracheal shave, however, as that's around the time I'll start going en femme all the time socially*.
Should co-incide with my hair being around shoulder length and very close to my birthday to boot!

* i.e. all the time except work.
What's dad like? Hopefully he'll be just as understanding about everything as your mom was.

And now I'm worried for you again. I hope your daughter's mom doesn't make a big to-do about it - what could she do if she decides she doesn't like the idea? Only if you want to share, of course.

But either way, more congrats, *hugs*, and luck!!