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Thread: The CHALLENGE continues!

  1. - Top - End - #666
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    In the Playground

    Default Re: The CHALLENGE continues!

    Ooh! I like the new theme challenge idea. It'll probably actually get me working on the themes too sometimes...we'll see! Oh, and I'll just abuse my power as theme-picker this week, and go with Poison or Disease.

    Now I'm going to go write the case file for the insane once-medical researcher plague crafting twins, Tix and Tox Malady.

    I intend to keep this run going for quite a long time! We shall see what happens.

    Edit: BAM! Week is off to a good start. 1200 words of novel this morning, and the first 600 words of case file on the Malady twins, including some unexpected and awesome developments in the setting, and the first introduction to their scholar and old professor, the sentient undead Doctor Hansen Marcescent.
    Last edited by Icewalker; 2012-09-25 at 01:04 AM.