* The reason why my familiar grants bonuses only within 1 mile of me is not because that is the maximum range where he can feed off my soul.
** He will not starve if he leaves that area for a longer time.
*** It does not mean he is incapable of eating normal food.
**** He does not gain the ability to transform into humanoid form with animal traits later on.
***** No more familiar facts gained through reading hentai.

* My wizard might have obtained his familiar as part of his magic guild initiation but that does not mean he had to hatch it from an egg.
** Not all familiars are born from eggs.

As DM:
* Fallout Eberron might sound as a good idea, but should inform the players about it before starting the game.
** X-COM Eberron is not a good campaign concept.
*** Ditto for Deus Ex Eberron
**** Not allowed to do all of the above within the same campaign.
***** Merrix d'Cannith will not act like the Master or Mr House.
****** The Daelkyr are not kidnapping mourners to experiment on and replacing the Great Khorvarian Wasteland's major leaders with clones, nor will the Brotherhood of Steel respond by dispatching squads to fight the abomination incursions via VTOL Airships.
******* Jagged Alliance Eberron is a good campaign idea as long as the PC's are the mercenaries and not the employers of mercenaries.