Quote Originally Posted by Mystic Muse View Post
"Well, you having a place to stay may be feasible, but you would have to be aware of several ground rules. As for learning to use your magic without your breath weapon...hmm..." she says, and looks lost in thought for a moment. "There may be a way, but it's likely not worth it. A dragon's breath is like a unicorn's horn. You can maybe theoretically use your magic without it, but it expends so much energy and takes so much training to be able to do, that there are nearly no circumstances under which it'd be worth it. If you have exceptionally high magic reserves or are a very fast learner, we could give it a shot, but I can't promise you'll make any progress, and I certainly can't say it'll be worth the effort." Smoothie explains.
"Ground rules? I can live with rules. And anything is worth the effort if it's something you really want."

He said that last phrase with what felt was plenty enough conviction that it probably meant a lot to him.