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Thread: Orks (40k) vs. Zerg (Starcraft)

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    Titan in the Playground
    Brother Oni's Avatar

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    Cippa's River Meadow

    Default Re: Orks (40k) vs. Zerg (Starcraft)

    How are the Orks getting to Tarsonis? Kroozers, a space hulk or lots of Roks?

    What's the Waaagh's composition? An invasion force involving gargants making planetfall is a significantly bigger threat than lots of roks full of boyz, although easier to root out.

    We need more info on the Waaagh as while there is a standard size for one (there's a critical mass number of orks required to trigger it), there's there's no such thing as a standard one.
    Last edited by Brother Oni; 2012-09-26 at 05:22 AM.