Quote Originally Posted by Tiki Snakes View Post
So, those of you who believe you have the faintest idea about Ponythread's apparent cosmology, what do you think the major shards are?

As I see it, so far, the important bits are as follows;

As for the Dark-side shards, the fragments of setting and continuity that tend towards the grimmer or more morally complex end of things, there's
Silent Night and his cult originate from Stalliongrad. Pony Russia + Zombies + The Nightmare + The Pink One.
Boffinspark and co (Probably Divebomb too) come from an Equestria that has a vibrant mad-science community and a Celestia who either sees the need for it, or fears the consequences of trying to curb it. Pink One and Discord as major elements.
Bleakmane's Shard of origin (probably a seperate planet to that which equestria is on) and Maxtronaut's Clockwork-verse probably but up here somewhere too.

What about the Light-side of the Ponythread Multiverse?
Do Raz-Fox, Mask, etc come with any implied chunks of setting or repeatedly referenced locations?

And somewhere outside of all of this there is Sean Mirrsen's multiversal director/administration thing.
Yo, are we counting IRC ponythread stuff? Because that's probably more on the lighter side, barring a few brush-ins with dark terrors and such.

♪I'd like to be part of the lighter side~ I want to... dadadada, see 'em daaancing~♫

(Lighter side is still taking recruits, aye?)
Quote Originally Posted by PhantomFox View Post
Okay, testing new ponytaur. Like?
Yessiree bob.
Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Tiki Snakes View Post
Does this mean that Raz hails from an inception-like Dreamscape? I'm not entirely sure what I'm seeing there.

Great image though.
If Raz is doing the same thing he did in the IRC, the fox hails from an interdimensional chaotic world known as Pandemonium, where weird inception-windows are probably quite common.