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Thread: My Little Pony LIV:E Long and Pony!

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LIV:E Long and Pony!

    Quote Originally Posted by PhantomFox View Post
    Okay, testing new ponytaur. Like?

    Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post

    See, what exactly -is- Gorn? I thought I knew what Gorn was, but if this is it, then I don't know.

    I thought Gorn was Gore-Porn. The viewer is expected to watch this for the sake of -enjoying- the subject material. That blood and guts are produced to thrill and delight. Like a type of power fantasy. Much like regular porn. Except, instead of, for example, shoving metal objects (that may or may not be phalic) into bits of meat and exchanging fluids... well, actually, yeah, much like regular porn.

    Then again, my main experience with it is in games. Ninja Gaiden. Gears of War. Mortal Kombat. Killer Instinct. God of War. And the like. Maybe those games are too tame... maybe I'm not ready for the real thing. But I'm not personally bothered by blood and guts, or limbs being hacked off. I've gotten -that- kind of excited from it before (Orb of Destruction + 100 Ninjas = Pool of Blood and 500 (head, arms, and legs) spare body parts. Awesome). And I've seen people die in real life.

    I'm kinda surprised that Cupcakes is even capable of affecting me the way it did.

    The thing is, that's not entirely true. People are capable of doing all sorts of things when pressed or snapped. It's sad, but true, even when the stressor is someone you love. Some times more so, which is even sadder, but truer. It's a fight for those who are slightly unhinged to keep ourselves in check some times, and some times it's easier when you're not fighting someone you're attached to...

    How is it flawed reasoning? While it -doesn't- always lead to such acts, it is certainly capable of it. That's what makes Party of One scary; it confirms that Pinkie isn't entirely screwed on right. And any sign of instability shouldn't be taken so lightly, because no one, except and sometimes not even the subject, knows what is lying underneath.

    .... What is Kitchen Sink? A character got seriously mixed with a kitchen sink? Like the appliance?

    Is there any part of a fandom that is worse than the shippers in terms of "what the heck's going on?"?

    You all don't seem like a collective anymore, actually. It's just an odd concidental grouping, at least from my eyes. The personalities are too distinct, and each being is too different.

    Wow... Ponyville needs far more discipline, if a couple of kids arguing infront of him is enoug to give him the power he needs to be reborn... shouldn't he have been revived much earlier than that, though?

    Blatant Lies. ...You really think so?

    Incredibly Rough. I know... it's certainly not the final draft of it.... but I kinda like it.

    Why go out of you way? It's not like it matters. You'd really do that for me? ... :)

    .... this reminds me; Applejack was seen trying to eat a sandwich... that had a piece of lunch meat in it.

    Where'd the Lunch meat come from? How does everyone stay healthy on pie and other such stuff mde from Apples?

    How do you make Apple Fries?

    I think I got everything I was supposed to...
    Yeah that's pretty much it and while those games have an element of Gorn they aren't Gorn.

    Cupcakes is Gorn. Human Centipide is also Gorn (and from what I've heard worse then Cupcakes.)

    See that generally doesn't hold true. Now I'm hardly an expert of psychology but generally a mental break follows the same patterns every time. Pinkie sinks into delusions, Fluttershy snaps in rage, Rainbow Dash gets performance anxiety (which is actually a pretty normal thing.) But it would be OOC to see Rainbow Dash getting delusional. Pinkie may harm somepony in her delusions but she wouldn't understand what was going on at all.

    Yes and yes.

    That's what the Herd looks like when you're on the inside.

    No that was just bad timing. Discord was already breaking free at that point. In fact you could view it as the reverse, he had already broken free enough to turn three good friends against each other.

    Yes I do really think so.

    True but that's what I'd expect from a short description. I'd like to see what you'd do with a longer work.

    Why? Because I like reading. And I want to help. Do I need more of a reason?

    Looking at that scene it's a little rough. The pink that we think is meat may be something else. It could also be meat. So it could go either way. However that is the only scene where we see the possibility of ponies eating meat.

    Pony biology is a mystery of the highest orders.

    Apple Fries would be taking a slice of an apple, breading it, then deep frying it.
    Last edited by Forum Explorer; 2012-09-26 at 11:39 AM.
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