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Thread: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

  1. - Top - End - #1171
    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

    I've set out on a mad project to draw the Ponythread. Which is to say, a series of pictures which are to represent different bits of continuity/locations/themes or something.

    It's probably going to take a while before I can put it together for the final image, so I thought I'd share the bits as I go, here*.

    So, first up Stalliongrad (And Silent Night's original, or at least older body)

    Second we have the Mad scientists of mad-science-equestria. Against some kind of orbital-rainbow-weapon backdrop because what else, really?
    Edit: Divebomb is a Pegasus. Stupid non-earth ponies. >_>

    Edit - Also some Gummy-Dimension, with it's resident eldritch pony fiction addict, Thubby.

    Admittedly pretty terrible.

    Heaven knows how this is all going to turn out.

    *I'm not really after constructive critiscism or anything, just fancied putting them up somewhere.
    Last edited by Tiki Snakes; 2012-09-27 at 11:05 AM.