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Thread: The Culture v's 40kverse

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Culture v's 40kverse

    Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
    Oh they're around and have their own RPG and all.

    In many ways live better then most in 40k... but... they're job description also includes routinely spending time in hell just a few devices and an arrogant mutant away from disaster. Also like any boss job it surely proves less glorious on a daily basis then it might seem. (Paperwork....)

    Me if I absolutely had to live in the 40k verse I'd probably go with those human populations that have defected to the Tau. Technological advancement, an inclusive if not permissive social policy and so forth means their something like hope there. If the 'Nids and Chaos don't eat everything quick enough the Tau have a better outlook then anyone. Only crap FTL really holding them back.
    Yeah, the Tau humans do have a nice setup. With newer fluff though, aren't the Tau a little indoctrination-happy? Not that the Imperium isn't, of course.

    And yeah, the Culture has it better than the 40k universe. However, it seems much less exciting, and is certainly not without it's flaws.
    Last edited by Luzahn; 2012-09-26 at 04:35 PM.