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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Re: [3.5] The Stuffy Doll Vs the Playground (V.1 ~ V.28)

    Version 15
    Cohort #1: Thrallherd with divert teleport and a ring of 3 wishes.

    Cohort #2 (Thrallherd's Thrall): Dweomerkeeper with 4x greater teleport and enough weights to put himself exactly 3 lbs. below cohort #1's carrying capacity.

    Day 1:
    I die to the creature's ability.
    Cohort #1 locates a sphere of annihilation and stations himself nearby.
    Cohort #1 sends his thrall to the creature and manifests divert teleport.
    Cohort #2 attempts to supernatural greater teleport (no SR) himself and the creature into the sphere of annihilation.
    Cohort #1 uses divert teleport to divert cohort #2 away from the sphere of annihilation. If cohort #2 has no passenger, the attempt succeeds and cohort #2 is saved from utter destruction. If the creature failed his save then cohort #2 & passenger are over cohort #1's weight limited and the divert teleport fails. Both cohort #2 and the creature are annihilated for good.
    If the creature passed his save, retry 3 more times then go to the next day.

    Day 2+:
    Send in one of the thrallherd's many fanatically loyal minions into his death against the creature.
    Repeat everything else.

    Keep retrying until the creature rolls a 1 on his save.

    Cohort #1 uses ring of 3 wishes to wish me back to life.
    Last edited by ericgrau; 2012-09-26 at 11:15 PM.
    So you never have to interrupt a game to look up a rule again:
    My 3.5e Rules Cheat Sheets: Normal, With Consolidated Skill System
    TOGC's 3.5e Spell/etc Cards: rpgnow / drivethru rpg
    Utilities: Magic Item Shop Generator (Req. MS Excel), Balanced Low Magic Item System
    Printable Cardstock Dungeon Tiles and other terrain stuff (100 MB)