Quote Originally Posted by Tiki Snakes View Post
SO, Project Ponythread Planar Planner;


Does anyone know if Sean Mirrsen's OC, Southern Skies, has anything to do with that whole multiverse-regulation thing?

Well, I'm the person to ask then. No, she does not. She doesn't even regulate weather, so much as study and predict it. Now with a side order of trying to study and predict the Ponithid. It's a good thing I keep a good, calm universe on hand to send people/ponies/whomever to, I can't imagine them running around my observation posts.

I must say, my Mii'Ari staff are quite fond of the ponies as well. There's a bit of mutual cross-research going on, and I've already gotten complaints on "lack of research material". *sigh*

Also, it's Southern Sky.