Quote Originally Posted by TaRix View Post
Given that Osiri's got some impressive gravitics, might this be a Pa'anuri artifact? A Pa'anuri prison (either one made by baryonic folks or otherwise)?
And that would explain the kitten videos how? Clearly at least a part of the artifacts function is archival. I suspect it's less a "prison" then a bunker or redoubt.

Consider: if you had a civilization with the technological capacity to build something on that scale and wanted to preserve it in the middle of a war such as we know the Pa'anuri once waged with the progenitors of the FSG where stars were regular turned into supernovae, how would you go about doing it?

Maybe an artifact with impressive gravitic shielding, inscribed with the memories of your entire population, and a power plant capable of resurrecting them once the shooting was over? Which is not to say you'd make it easy or inviting for anyone knocking on the door without the right keys to get into.

Could be not only that the Gavs and the UNS have bitten off more then they can masticate, could be Petey has either new competition in the would-be-god category, or a new ally against Andromeda. Or both.