I can see why some people would hate Tarquin because he seems to always be ready for anything. Personally, I like that about him exactly because he seems near impossible to truly defeat. Makes me curious about how he will be defeated, or just waves away that whole stuff and go back to his own schemes. Don't really care what will happen to him, either he lives or not, just enjoying him for now.

Nah, the one I'd really want to see bashed for good is Nale. The Linear Guild was fun at first, but at this point, their constant return is more than a hassle to me and I was disappointed that Belkar didn't get to finish him off.

Oh, but I look forward to when Tarquin will realize that Elan is, in fact, barely competent in anything, even as a bard, and usually need guidance for most of what he'll manage to accomplish. This ought to be fun !

Might be he's demise in the end.