Quote Originally Posted by Maeglin_Dubh View Post
How do I Sivir? I do well with Caitlyn and Tristana and Graves, but I want to learn Sivir.
Your W is an autoattack reset, so attack + W wins trades better than just attack. Use your E to react to skill shots and slow projectiles, try to bait things when possible and be careful when it's not up. Your Q is a huge nuke, and you should either fish for landing it in lane or use it to farm, depending on whether you're losing lane really badly. Your ult rocks, and should be used either at the start of teamfights or when you're ahead in lane and are near your tower (you can chase them all the way back to their tower, and probably kill them before they get there).

Build standard AD carry, max Q > W > E > R or Q > E > W > R, depending on how consistently you can spell shield things (both in terms of your personal skill, and in terms of what there is to shield).