I'd give it to each on the following basis:

Goffs: Provided they bring mega armored nobz, storm boyz, and Biggah Nobz with Power Klawz you got a sweep in the melee department, I couldn't seen even an Ultralisk standing up to some Mega Armored Nobz. Those things rip apart tanks. That, and Ghazghkull.

Bad Moonz: Better vehicle equipment, lead by some of the most devious Warbosses available to Orks, they come with plenty of Flash Gitz, and Nobs in their usual WAAAAAGH! setup, and bring the second largest amount of vehicle to the field.

Blood Axes: Probably done for here, unless said infiltration would allow them to hit Kerrigan or some such directly with some Kroozer firepower.

Death Skullz: I say this is a win for them, because the amount of vehicles to loot on Tarsonis is simply ridiculous, three whole fleets one of which was protoss downed on this planet.

Snakebites: Not even a contest. Too stupid even by Ork standards.

Evil Sunz: Vehicles. Vehicles. Vehicles. They win for the same reason Death Skullz do.