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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    The Conference

    "The souls of Hell required no catalogue as the question to be asked was: 'Would you, if you had the choice, remain on Ashkharh in spirit?'
    "It does not take a genius to realise the stupidity of wasting one's time asking those in eternal torment whether or not they'd prefer not to have to face it.
    "The only thing true about the task was that it was truly phenomenal waste of time.
    "We discuss here matters of cosmic significance. Something no mortal could ever hope to even begin to comprehend."

    She got to her feet and slammed her hands down on the table, cracks appearing briefly before sealing themselves.
    "And do not tell me my life is easy. No, it is a life of near constant toil. I do not rest and could not do so even if I chose to. And should I die, my death is permanent. I don't have the luxury of a soul to be concerned about! Mortals are lucky that they have that! And they should be happy the Gods allow them to keep it!
    "And I'll have you know Lord Nettal, that I have served Lord Belsheroth since before your existence was even possible. At this table, I speak for him.
    "And I'll tell you the truth Nettal... Your spark was false. Your divinity was granted to you by one of evil who has caused much suffering. Do not claim as an achievement a curse thrust upon you by another.
    "Prosperous and safe you say? Hah! The Lokab Empire prospered under the rule of tyrants of unimaginable cruelty! They were cast down not because they refused to accept us as gods, but because of the foul power they utilised!
    "Now, take your high and mighty words and go elsewhere!"

    That'll do Anzhela. I wish to speak now...
    "But before you go, Lord Belsheroth desires a word with you..."
    She sat back down and her eyes began to glow.
    You do not advance your cause very well young one. But nevertheless, you have a point however misguided it is.
    Anzhela speaks truthfully, your divinity was gifted to you by another and I am curious as to why he chose you. But that can be satisfied when I track the miscreant down and take from him and destroy the power he has so readily used to bring suffering to all. Anyway... Not to linger on that right now...

    Belsheroth in Anzhela's body rose from his chair and walked over to Nettal, placing one hand on his shoulder and looking into his eyes.
    I've never quite gotten use to this... Nettal, I will explain to you my task in the hopes that you will understand it and know the sacrifices I have made. I see within you the potential for understanding, but not here. Proceed to the Dark Moon if you desire this knowledge.
    Returning to his seat, Belsheroth looked upon Isyldar through Anzhela's eyes.
    You are not my Son. I ask that you respect my grief and stop claiming such.
    He sat down, and the light of his presence faded from Anzhela's eyes. She slumped in her seat slightly but quickly recovered.
    Nettal raised a hand as if to strike Anzhela, but held fast.

    Do not dare to give me orders, Belsherai. Do not dare to demean the work I did, the power I obtained and the purpose I serve.

    The gods allow. HA! The gods allow suffering. The gods allow pain. They allow starvation. They allow death to be followed by eternal punishment. No mortal lives for two thousand years, so why should those who commit crimes in their short life suffer longer than they would ever have in life?

    Who are you to make such blasé statements about people you have never met, never will meet and who have done you no wrong?

    My spark may have been false, but my divinity is real. I am a god now, and through my own actions, not those of another. You would do well to remember that.

    When Belsheroth spoke through Anzhela, Nettal growled in restrained fury but still stayed his hand.

    My divinity is my own. I earned it with power that I took for myself. Wherever my spark originally came from, it is mine. As is my understanding of the world. Nettal brushed the hand off his shoulder none too gently.I know you Belsheroth for what you are. I know many gods for what they do not wish to see themselves as. I will make no apologies for my words and I will not stop to further the cause of mortals against those who so easily and clearly disregard their value. Your recklessness ends with my ascension.

    I am the first, but I will not be the last.

    Something worth bringing up at this point: According to mystic and Yeshon, while Wigbach is technically Nettal's progenitor, in terms of staying within the rules. He doesn't actually have a progenitor deity. Other gods can disagree with that, but my understanding of things is that Nettal is (at least IC) Progenitorless.