Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
If we're using tabletop as comparison, pulse rifles have longer range than bolters, hit harder with a similar degree of armor penetration, and roughly equivalent rate of fire.

But I just checked Into The Storm, and it has canon RT-level pulse rifle stats.

Basic, 150m range, S/2/4, 2d10+3 E, Pen 4, Clip 36, Reload Half, Special Gyro-stabilized, Weight 8kg, Very Rare.

Gyro-Stabilized means the weapon never counts as being fired at further than Long Range for accuracy penalties.

The Tau's whole shtick is having really, really good guns, after all. ITS also has Pulse Pistols, Pulse Carbines, Kroot Hunting Rifles, and Krootbows in the 'guns what Tau have' category. Considering it also has the rules for playing Ork Freebooters and Kroot Mercenaries, it's definitely the #1 book to buy once you can afford it if you want xenos in your RT squad.
Does it count as exotic? Or just basic?