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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Bridle Shores 90210-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XIII

    Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
    "So paladins can forget their morality too. I've heard bad things about the ones who do, but until now, I have never actually seen them."
    "The dangerous ones are those who do not realize that they have."

    Night Jewel considered a bit. "So what kind of paladin codes can be expected? There's only so many rules I can follow, and if I do choose the path of a paladin, I'll need to know if my rules are enough."
    "In essence - Act with honor, respect legitimate authority, help those in need, and protect the innocent from those who seek to do them harm. Those form the basis, though obviously each has more to it."

    "My needs? They should be obvious. I am trapped in this place of heat, and have been so for hundreds of years. What I need is some kind of release."
    "Oh. Um. Well...we could get you some water? Or..."

    Wait, what? Sealbreaker?

    It's quite obvious she's not here of her own violition, and the cause is likely magic. So, we simply need to-

    I can already tell you're going to start using a dictionary...

    "Or you could tell us exactly how to free you satisfactorily. Figuring it out could take us all week."
    Last edited by Kelvin360; 2012-09-28 at 05:06 PM.
    D&D is the only game I can think of (with the possible exception of Calvinball) where the only way to lose is by playing to win.
    "'Elvish barbeque' is what happens when the Quessir send one of their Evokers to deal with an orc invasion and then go home for the evening." - Elmah Dryearghymn, an elven Evoker, as depicted to the left