Romeo tries to rub his eyes as he awakens.He purposefully uses the chained hand so that it makes a rattling sound. 'Oh, come now. Whose the silly little Slowpoke who chained up the cripple? It's not like I can go anywhere.'


He sighs. 'Man, think this is THE second worst thing I've ever woken up to. I mean the worst is still that time when I had that threesome in Fallarbor. Don't get me wrong, the sex was awesome. But when you wake up and find you've fallen asleep in front of an angry Zangoose nest, you gotta run away fast. That's how I got this scar on my ass.'

'Oh, and sorry for throwing my food away. Mum would hand me my ass if she knew I was wasting food. Got anything else to eat before I see Anni? I haven't eating in .... how long was it anyway?'

Romeo was talking a million miles a minute. Gives his enemy less time to think. Right now, they underestimated him. They would still assume him a cripple. That and even with Romeo's legs functioning, he'd still easily be the weakest member of the group, the least threatening.

He looks around the room, noting how many people were in here, and possible disguises and any possible weapons.
