Hi everybody!

I'm new here - my friend recommended me this forum as a good place to start looking for people who'd play some multiplayer games with me; people who'd be friendly towards noobs and wouldn't kick them out of their games the instant they join.

I started playing some Steam games (namely Portal 2 and L4D2, among others) this summer and I must admit I'm an achievement who... *cough* achievement hunter. I'd like to have them all unlocked xD

As such, I need people to play with as some of the achievements require cooperation. Is there anybody who'd like to help me unlock Still Alive in Portal 2?
Or play some L4D2, maybe help me learn how to play infected in VS/Scavenge and earn some achievements as well? Strength in Numbers is a kind of a long shot as it requires 8 players, but maybe something like Tank Burger, Wedding Crasher or Connecting Fights?

Or at least some casual gaming? I'd be up for L4D2 and Team Fortress 2. My nickname at Steam is the same as here - feel free to add me to your friends and msg if you want to play :)