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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Yeah, ziggs is pretty awesome on dominion; being able to Q people from capping top tower while sitting in the brush is quite nice. Funny thing, actually; if you play against bots on dominion, Ziggs can just sit in that brush all day, and the bots keep grouping up, trying to cap that tower to no avail, over and over. Being able to interupt caps with the range on his ult is very handy as well.

    Speaking of dominion, I just played my first Talon game in weeks, maybe over a month:

    That was fuuun~
    I think a lot of the success came from a good fight for top at the start; I was able to get in a burst lux after capping mid, was on low health and the enemy team was between me and my team then. I kept darting in and out of the fight, baiting them to break and chase me, which of course let my team mates shred them from behind. When I saw someone on the skirts of the fight use their abilities or otherwise unable to retaliate, I'd E in, AA+Q, and W while running away, so they can't hit me with spells because of silence and can't chase because of slow.

    After that, it was generally the same battle plan of jump in, murder someone, run away giggling like a madman and hang around the skirts of the fight, darting in and out, E+Q+AA+Wing people when I could do it reasonably safely, or if chasing me meant dying to my team mates.

    That got me far ahead enough that I could burst Vayne in bot lane from 100-0 in one combo, even when she exhausted me halfway through the combo, under her tower. The most satsifying feeling in the world~

    I still have to yet to give him a proper few goes on SR though; any advice or build tips? I plan on playing him in mid, so I assume a build like this?

    1. Boots/three pots start.
    2. Build boots in either mobility(for ganks and roaming, especially if I can push their tower down early), or mercs(for AP+CC heavy teams/mid)
    3. Double dorans(or one or just skip, depending on how the lane is going)
    4. Brutalizer(Damage, ArPen, and CDR on an AD caster? Yes please!)
    5. Hexdrinker(Assuming I'm going against AP.)
    6. Bloodthirster
    7. Finish Youmuus and Maw, depending on whether I need a "Screw you, AP carry!" shield or better chasiness.
    8. Maybe a frozen mallet? I like the idea of the slow for his passive, plus better chasing for his Q+AAs, but it feels like it'll damage his damage output too much.
    9. Another Bloodthirster? I honestly doubt I'll ever get this far in a build, but still, it'll be handy to have an idea if there's any good items I'm missing.

    Also, about Bruta/Youmuus; is it worth grabbing Avarice Blade for the GP5 on champs like AD casters who don't really care for the crit chance? It seems really pointless, but I really don't like the idea of wasting a GP5 item income... Maybe if I really wanted to rush Youmuus, for whatever reason?

    Edit: Completely forgot about runes+masteries; silly me.

    I'm undecided about whether to go 21/9/0(AD Carry) or 21/0/9(AD Caster); I like the mana regen and extra blue buff of 21/0/9, but then having the health and MR durabilty of 21/9/0 is great too.

    For runes I run:
    • ArPen reds.
    • Flat mana reg yellows.
    • Scaling CDR blues.
    • Movespeed quints(Have to see about getting AD quints at some point though).

    I have scaling MR blues, so tempted to swap them out, though I'm wondering would it be worth it to save up for flat MR blues, for defence against early harrassment?
    Last edited by Miscast_Mage; 2012-09-29 at 10:02 AM.