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Thread: Orks (40k) vs. Zerg (Starcraft)

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Orks (40k) vs. Zerg (Starcraft)

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow_archmagi View Post
    Are zerglings weaker than their tyranid cousin? As I recall, they're both essentially rip-and-tear dog-sized things. I was under the impression that the zerg v tyranid thing was mostly that tyranids operated on a bigger scale- There's more of them, and there's more big ones. But little guys vs little guys I can't see a difference just have having played both RTSes.

    Wartraks are the kind of thing I'm thinking of when I saw the Orks have this. Bombs (With knockdown!) for the swarm, missiles for the things that stand out from the swarm.
    The Tyranids cut through higher density material going by what Adamantium has been stated to resist as opposed to what Neosteel has been shown to resist.

    With Adamantium resisting things like Melta Guns, which present higher fire power than anything hand held in Starcraft.

    Also, I'd give it to a Carnifex over an Ultralisk any day. Given the things have actual intelligence.
    Last edited by Fan; 2012-09-29 at 10:35 AM.