Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
How are you playing her? I generally do well with my particular brand of Soraka, but that might depend on the enemies.
Well, I might just have poor luck with ADs when I try it, I've yet to play her with my usual duo queue partner. But...

Max W first, faerie charm/wards/pot start, harass with autoattacks and Q/E, heal people with W for sustain in slow times, when they're a bit damaged but still going to take burst in combat... sustain low mana people with E in slow times, silence enemies after they go so they can't follow up on combos... use ult to save someone cross-lane, or in team fights, ideally when everyone's taken a bit of damage...

1/(3-8)/(21-26) masteries, armor reds/gold or armor yellows/magic resist or CDR or AP blues/gold quints... build 2-3 GP/10s, build Shurelya's or Zeke's or Aegis as appropriate to the team.

Am I missing anything?