Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

Bang bang bang bang

Looking at the direction where the shots were being shot from, one could see a group of ponies in police uniforms marching in, reloading and shooting. In the back, a rather large mustached pony was wielding a M70 grenade launcher, strapped to his side, reminiscent to battle saddles from a certain ya know what....why I don't even...oi vey...


A grenade sailed towards the center as the whole chamber shook as large slabs of stone from the ceiling fell towards our heroes.
Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
"Buck." That was the only word that could truly describe Silverpine's feeling at the moment. Aside from the obviously out-of-place police ponies suddenly firing on them for no reason, they were now in danger of being crushed by rubble and fragged by random grenades. "Damnit, Sandy," he muttered as he sprinted the last few feet to get behind the relative safety of a pillar. Seeing Sandy still crawling slowly towards them, he stuck his body out and quickly dragged him along, probably exposing himself towards gunfire again in the process.
Bullets whizzed, rocks fell, Sandy paid it all no mind. He had his orders; go crawl behind those pillars over there. And he would follow them. Maybe if his luck truly was with him, one of those bullets would sail just a little lower, or maybe one of those rocks would fall in just the right spot, and then everything would be nice and simple again. But alas, that was not his fate today. Despite being out from cover, the stallion didn't even take a grazing shot and hardly a pebble landed on his head.

When Silverpine reached out to grab him, he stumbled the last few feet into cover, potentially aiding his friend's efforts.