Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
I quite like them. The series draaaaagggggssss on a bit too much for my liking and there's some unfortunate gender related annoyances, but overall they're pretty good. The prose is very captivating; the imagery is very vivid, and I really like how myths and rumors are handled very organically in the universe.
All I know is that there is this thing called the Tapestry, and there are people who are trained to literally burn people from it, effectively unmaking them. And that this is amazing and I love it.

Ok, minor lie, I also knew it dragged on for quite a bit (and with the author dead, it's kinda hanging in the aether, so to speak).

All I know about Tequila is that there's a really annoying harlot named after it, and it's got a funny rhyme. One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor~