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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Doctor Who Thread III: Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow

    Quote Originally Posted by Brother Oni View Post

    In response to the common complaint of 'just take a sledge hammer to them', in 'Flesh and Stone', the Church soldiers were firing at them with automatic weapons at point blank range and didn't kill a single one of them.
    That would indicate either Stormtrooper accuracy of the highest order, or the Angels are bulletproof.

    As 10 said in Blink:
    And yet in this episode we have one who is definitely wounded by cracking its face. I maintain that it might not kill them, but breaking off the angels head/arms/legs would probably do a hell of a lot toward making them useless.

    As to the Amy outlived Rory thing, yeah, that is probably what happened, brain failure there.

    Though now I have the mental image of an 80 year old Amy waiting for Rory to come back to life again, just one more time, once he finally passes.
    Last edited by Dienekes; 2012-09-30 at 10:44 AM.