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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: 40k, Star Wars, Star Trek, One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto V.S. Super Robot Wars (A

    Quote Originally Posted by Fan View Post
    There are multiple star level + beings in all factions listed, with some reality warpers (Q, God Emperor.).
    Only in fanfiction. The emprah from 40k had trouble dealing with basic warbosses, who are just big and tough guys that even a skilled human can take down with a single arm. He had some fancy powers yes, but he also needed ships to travel around, tech and servants to get anything done, and is only alive because he's connected to a continent-sized life suport system that needs to be daily fed with souls, and the only pratical effect is him working as a giant light post. That's multiple leagues below "reality warper".

    The SW top villains had their plans twarhted by teddy bears and a bunch of poorly organized and horribly outnumbered and outgunned rebels.
    Last edited by deuterio12; 2012-09-30 at 10:58 AM.