Firstly big yay! for all the good news lately

Re: Adam's appples and such - I'm currently trying to find a surgeon to do a tracheal shave to reduce mine as it is very prominent. My understanding is that as noparlpf said it's to do with the angle of the join. Reduction surgery tins it out a little on the inside so it sits flatter against the rest of the neck.

On a different topic:

Who got the butt?

Brak got the butt!

also, me the most femme I've ever been:


Shoes aren't the greatest (they're growing on me as my first girl shoes though, lol), but they were only a tenner and confirmed that I am, in fact, a size 10 - I was looking through the kmart for something I could buy cheaply to test out when someone asked if I needed help finding anything. I replied that I knew the style "but just eneded to find it in my size..."
Cue awkward pause and them thnakfully assuming it was just a slip of the tongue on my part
(well it was technically)

Was going to do some more shopping today but I saw someone in the store who I'm not out to so made a quick strategic withdrawl before they saw me.

So yeah, shaved my legs for the first time today - took an hour and a half O_o but I did manag to avoid slicing off anything too important though
Did it whilst my ipod was on shuffle - first song that came on was Time Warp, second was YMCA, third was Vogue (fourth was Sound of Eight Hooves, though). After the struggle to reach the backs of my thighs I finally understand why so many women do yoga. Feeling very positive after a somewhat average couple of weeks of bad dysphoria and general blerg about life.