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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: 40k, Star Wars, Star Trek, One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto V.S. Super Robot Wars (A

    Quote Originally Posted by deuterio12 View Post
    Only in fanfiction. The emprah from 40k had trouble dealing with basic warbosses, who are just big and tough guys that even a skilled human can take down with a single arm. He had some fancy powers yes, but he also needed ships to travel around, tech and servants to get anything done, and is only alive because he's connected to a continent-sized life suport system that needs to be daily fed with souls, and the only pratical effect is him working as a giant light post. That's multiple leagues below "reality warper".

    The SW top villains had their plans twarhted by teddy bears and a bunch of poorly organized and horribly outnumbered and outgunned rebels.
    Please, please, PLEASE. Read the fiction you're discussing. I presented resources for every single source. There is no excuse here.

    He has stopped Time on multiple occasions, slung laser beams out of his eyes that rival the output of stars, tossed the Void Dragon from Earth to Mars and then MADE The Noctis Labyrinth which implies a level of physics defiance not emulated anywhere else in the fiction of 40k. His sword has the ability to rip, and purge the souls of those struck by it, when he fought another Primarch in a fist fight they tossed out unarmed blows that could level mountains. Is a telekinetic Juggernaut to the point of being able to power the Astronomicon while alive, a feat no other living psyker, including the one that threw Titan into the Warp so the Grey Knights could be formed, emulated without dying.

    Palpatine was able to create a solar system wide Force Storm that completely erradicated a fleet capable of withstanding GIGATONS of force with their shields alone.

    Q, is actually a reality warper. That is his entire point is that he's so advanced it seems like magic.

    This isn't fan fiction, I've provided resources for proof of every factions capability. I don't know what 40k you've been reading, but it's not the real one.

    Is there some bootleg Bollywood equivalent to 40k, and Starwars I'm missing out on here?
    Last edited by Fan; 2012-09-30 at 11:40 AM.