Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
If you can change your character's personality and demeanor that easily, they probably aren't at the point where they're talking to you.
Eh, my characters tend not to converse with me too much anyways. It's not that they aren't developed enough to be able to carry on a conversation, but as characters, they aren't exactly aware of the author's existence. Most of my character-manipulation only comes into play when my characters throw an emotional tantrum at the wrong time, or when they feel apathetic about something I need them to care deeply about.

What I was trying to get at in the first place was that your characters got their original personality and demeanor from how you wrote them. You are in control of everything they feel and experience, everything that makes up who they are. If what you've built them into doesn't agree with what you need them to accomplish, it isn't exactly their fault.