Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
Am I the only one who thinks that Ennesby's sudden total incompetence at controlling a starship is there so they're forced to put Tagii back in when the excrement really starts hitting the rotating ventilation device?
I'm not sure about that, but his incompetence is fully understandable, since he is still learning the ship - typically the proces of installing an AI in a new peice of equipment would be more elaborate then shoving it in.
Quote Originally Posted by ChowGuy View Post
Anyway, tidal forces will not tear apart anything at less then atomic scale (if that). Gravity at that range is not strong enough to overcome the electroweak forces. They will not affect energy or information (photons) at all, but a black hole can contain them.
Not quite; it's mroe a matter of scale and tidel forces around a singularity are exactly that powerful. The process is sometimes called spagettization. Whether the information is lost or not, is still unknown as far as I know.