Miriam's sobs finally stops. She gives big strong hug to Mithril and whispers in her ear "Thank you Sister".

She gets up and plant a big kiss on Kurt's forehead, even if that mean she has t get on her tippie toes 'Thank you Sir Kurt'.

She approaches Natalia and rubs her hair in a friendly way. "I am sorry for losing it. I just learned some news ... well, not very good .... anyway, I am really sorry ....'

She touches Natalia while lifting her holy symbol to heal her.

Drop Bless water for CLW (1d8+5)[8] - forgot augmented healing last time

After that she goes toward the huge dwarf and smile 'healing time Sir" and touches his wounds to heal them.

Drop summon monster II for CMW (2d8+7)[9]

After that, she stands away for the ogre and Shiny, afraid that her emotional instability would hurt the gnome far fetched plan.