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Thread: IC II Toes In The Water

  1. - Top - End - #202
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    south side of reality ...

    Default Re: IC II Toes In The Water

    Miriam sees the ogres coming and her blood freezes in her veins. 'So St. Cuthbert, is this the way it is? You give on one hand and take on the others? Do you want my life because I know you covert a perverted sick old man going around taking naive young girl maidenhood in your name?' she hears an angry voice in herher.

    She shakes her head trying to push away the thoughts 'Not now please ....." she says out loud to herself. She lowers her head and when she raises it, the kind loud that had returned after the tears has been replaced by a cold expressions.

    'We cannot out run them. Even if we do with the horses, they might take down Linwood support forces. Let's see if Shiny can put some asleep. I can try to stun some. I wish you did not waste your precious spell, you stupid girl" she says to herself.
    Last edited by achinca; 2012-10-01 at 09:23 AM.
    I am DMing Red Hand of Doom - IC - OOC

    Titus in Red Hand of Doom

    Playing Pelric Rantceur, a level 5 cleric in Nightfall - IC - OOC