Quote Originally Posted by jaybird View Post
I haven't seen it either, to be honest if someone could post some of the most outstanding badass scenes in the movie for analysis, that'd be appreciated.
McCain shoots himself point-blank in the heart/lungs to hit the guy behind him.
McCain fights off a martial artist after getting beaten up.
McCain jumps out of a car going 50+ MPH onto asphalt (which is more dangerous than movies make it appear), and stands up.

Most of the Die Hard movies involve McCain getting beaten up and then winning.

Quote Originally Posted by toapat View Post
a Car has a -16 non-proficiency penalty to being used as a throwing weapon. it deals only 6d6 damage. Bruse Willis got a vorpal on it.
Helicopters are made of tinfoil and prayers (only a slight exaggeration). You can actually punch through their sides. It doesn't take much to take one out.