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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Mynxae's Maliciously Magnificent Random Banter #183

    Quote Originally Posted by araveugnitsuga View Post
    That's quite interesting. On the other hand I've only known one tailor and he is considerably older than me, having tailored for my mother before and probably my grandfather as well, so I wouldn't know about tailor expected behaviours.
    Does he work for you too? What kind of suits do you wear?

    My own tailor is about 70, and he's very friendly. I only started going to him last summer but we get along splendidly. I think on Saturday, being an unseasonably gorgeous weekend, I caught him at just the right time and mood to be invited in.

    Never feel bad for playing Bach because everything IS Bach, there is no escape, every single piece in a minor key comes from his fuges, major keyed come either from his other compositions or his contemporaries. No matter what, a Bach expert will point you to Bach, even in modern pop, metal or jazz, everything is Bach. As my teacher used to say, "the only music I've ever heard that wasn't Bach was Cage's 4'33'' and I think I heard snippets of Bach in it at times". Everyone plays Bach, just a different one in a different way in a different time.
    That I do have.

    The game music is in midi, so I'm linking to both the originals as arrangements, the only original where the arrangement is heavily recommended over the original (and perhaps exclusively so) is the last one due to being boss music and somewhat aggressive in its primal form.

    Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship
    [Arr] Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship
    Prismriver Sister's Theme - Phantom Ensemble
    [Arr] Prismriver Sister's Theme - Phantom Ensemble
    U.N. Owen was Her
    [Arr] U.N. Owen was Her
    I've only had the chance to listen to the first of your links, but I see already its style and its influence on your composition. It is harmonic madness and I like it. I will investigate the others this evening with a drink.

    I like that crack about Cage. Do you play any Bach yourself?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tragic_Comedian View Post
    Well, the question has been answered already now, but no, that didn't really happen. It's just a joke I'm thinking of including in my act that I'm testing out.

    Thank you, thank you. You're too kind. Tip your waitress.
    New ship: Tragic Comedian dressed in a Hooters-esque miniskirt and tank top, serving MoonCat his customer in her long coat putting a five pound note in his cleavage.
    "Just the tip, my little Tragedy."
    Last edited by Kneenibble; 2012-10-01 at 10:21 AM.