Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
My fifty-six year old aunt has bought herself a laptop. Rather, I bought it, then she bought it off me.
I did the basic set up a few hours ago, connected her to our internet, set her up an e-mail address - she didn't know what one was! I had to come up with an analogy to explain all the bits of an email address! - and then proceeded to:
uninstall her McAfee and install several different anti-virus/malware things and show her the basics of them
install Firefox ("because I've not used ie in years, so it's easier for me to show you how to use the internet with Firefox.")
install some add-ons
install Google toolbar because I have a visceral hatred for Bing
showed her this forum to demonstrate how most sites have a lon in/log out procedure
semi-organised her desktop and
shown her where DVDs go

Some time this week I have to:
go to hers and set up her internet because she's getting a new deal, show her how to do wireless, how to work the box, how to diagnose/fix internet connectivity problems
show her how to use basic software (and download OpenOffice)
walk her through setting up an amazon account

Anything else important I should teach her about laptops and the internet in general?
I'm reminded of a chart on xkcd...