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Thread: Worst Instances of Vampirism in media

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst Instances of Vampirism in media

    I find it always rather funny when I read things like "vampires are..." "vampires can..." "vampires must/are meant"..
    when it's quite clear that they aren't..they can't and they mustn't.. because..they don't actually exist. they only exist within the parameters estabilished by whoever is writing about them.
    now we can call this person a moron if he's inconsistent with his own writing.. not if he gives the name vampire to something that doesn't resemble or adhere to the "rules" of vampires in any other named source.
    we can hate how vampires with a pretence to have a resemblance to the "classic" vampire image (which is debatable in it's own right, if you want to nerd it out and you're particularily loyal to one source over others) are represented by one or two particular authors (I can't stand sparkly vampires)..but we can't NOT call them vampires in their own right.
    the powers and weaknesses of vampires are purely subjected to the author's whim or plan.
    provided the author is a decent writer..a vampire who is a descendant of the biblical Cain, one that has contracted it through a virus, one that was bitten by dracula or one who ingested something weird all have equal dignity
    we should learn to accept this.
    Last edited by dehro; 2012-10-01 at 11:17 AM.
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