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Thread: Prologue to Disaster (PTA) IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Default Re: Prologue to Disaster (PTA) IC


    Ken took a thin folder out of his backpack, and removed his still-crisp invitation, handing it over. He paused for a moment, noting the recipe still in the folder - which he showed to Aron. "Remember trying to cook that?"


    "Heh, I'm excited to try it again too." Which was in no way what the Aron had meant or said, but hey.

    He glanced about the lounge for a moment. "Good morning!" He said, to nobody in particular. He sat down shortly thereafter, holding out a fist-sized chunk of steel to Viktor before the Aron had a chance to say anything. Which was absolutely fine with Viktor - who sat munching happily.
    Last edited by Kantolin; 2012-10-01 at 03:41 PM. Reason: Color!
    Beginnings usually happen over trifles... even if it's a coincidence...

    ~ Final Fantasy Tactics