Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
@ Dragon Raptor (and other transgirls) - check out Tucking and other skills, for some good links and how-to guides that might help you out.
Oh snap, I missed this the first time.

Siuis, that might not be an artifact, but the way my legs are as a legacy of several dislocated knees (which also doesn't help the flexability stakes much either). Not so good for heels either, but I'll make it work, lol!
It's at exactly mid thigh, so maybe not. Also, OUCH. I am sorry to hear about that, I have enough problems with just a bum knee-set. I've found heels help, actually.

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
Thanks for linking that blog, Zorg - I found this on it, which is the single most useful and clear guide to what hormone treatments are available I've ever seen. And amazingly for official medical material, it's written in an incredibly understanding and accepting tone!

Now why can't our NHS be as competent as Canada?


Quote Originally Posted by H Birchgrove View Post
I wish I could follow this thread and post here in a more regular fashion.

Anyway, hi all.

Notice I need to change my tumblr address... but at least it isn't linking to my *ahem* "nusswuff" blog...

Which my mum would just ask me if I have a girlfriend so I would be "forced" to spill the proverbial beans and thus "out" myself...
Woah, Birchgrove! We've missed you man! How ya doin'?

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
Ask and ye shall receive


Not fond of my face in that pic - looks too male. Best I could do with the lighting and such though.
I uh

I'm just gonna stare at this for a while.

Quote Originally Posted by Ichneumon View Post
Here I am again... first of all, I have to confess, I feel a bit guilty only posting here when I have problems. I'm sorry for that, I really don't intend to be so self-centered or selfish and I do constantly lurk around the thread and read your stories with interest and you all have my sympathies. I just don't feel I have anything useful to add.
It's okay, to be fair there is a lot of non topical banter. We are here to help!

Now, I did start writing my "coming out" letter, to my dad. It was fully written, but I chickened out and then a few days later we got in some fight over something quite irrelevant, but it was an excuse for me to postpone it. I'll try finding the letter again and just confronting him with it when the time is right (knowing the time will never be really perfect).

Ive been confused lately though. I've been having strong feelings for a girl and we had lunch together. We had such a great time and I felt great about it. Although I have to admit, it wasn't a real date and there wasn't much romance or flirting, so maybe it was nothing, but I felt really good about myself. It confuses me something, since it made me feel very "manly" and in charge.

I'm also thinking about ways I could experiment with feminine clothing, make-up etc, but since I'm still living at home, that would be difficult. Guess, it would be easier to just come out already.
Good luck! Experimenting is usually good.
As for feeling more manly, it happens to us girls too, y'know
In fact, it's just not addressed. Men who feel feminine are chastised and embarrassed, but women who feel masculine are just never really acknowledged. Most feel bad only because they know that's how a guy feels in the same scenario.

For the letter, I don't know. I know from experience that diving in is best, but haven't the resolve, myself. So I have nothing but fearful hypocrisy to give you.