Quote Originally Posted by Landis963 View Post
Agreed, with the caveat that "Boss" NPC Vanguards should have the same skills as Player Vanguards. Mook NPC Vanguards need not have Biotic Charge. Likewise, any Boss that's a sapient alien should have access to the skills of a Shepard with their class (or at the very least a multiplayer character with their class and race). A certain Latter-game boss whom I will not spoil should have been an N7 Shadow, and a certain plot-annoyance in his fight should have been a callback to LotSB.
Assuming you mean Kai Leng, he's common knowledge at this point. And he's not a Shadow, he's a Phantom - the stealth of an Infiltrator, a sword, and biotics (i.e. Phase Disruptor and mini-Biotic Sphere, except his can stop gunfire as well as powers.) That's enough to be going on with I'd say - if Shepard had all those powers he'd be unstoppable. Imagine Shep having all those moves - Phase Disruptor + immuno-sphere alone would make you unkillable and remove all need for a gun, or squadmates.