During Rich's recovery, a lot of us will probably be starving for more OotS laughs and surprises. I realize it's cheesy, but would anyone be interested in throwing together a fanfic thread or two, so we can keep ourselves amused while the Giant's hand is healing? Maybe someone has an idea for a previous adventure the Order might've undertaken before the Xykon/Gate storyline kicked off, or perhaps some amusing anecdote about the OotScribble or one of the bad guys. Perhaps you've based an NPC in a home game on an OotS character, with hilarious results worthy of recounting, or would like to put one of your personal theories (what the MitD is, how Belkar will die, etc) into a written scenario before Rich can Joss or substantiate it. Maybe you've got an already-written fanfic burning a hole in your hard drive, and just haven't had the nerve to circulate it until now?

It'd be a far cry from the real comic's spectacular gags and captivating storyline, but it'd be better than waiting around for weeks with nothing new at all, and might even provide the Order's esteemed creator with a chuckle or two (if only at how lame some of us are as writers ;-D), while he's healing up. It might also be fun to see whether OotS's characters and humor can carry over into a prose format. Given how many WMGs people on this forum have come up with, over the years, it shouldn't be beyond we fans to match Rich in sheer outrageousness, at least!

Just an idea. Anyone up for it? If it seems too trite, just say so.