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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Joran View Post
    I can play a capable Jungle Nautilus, but I've come to the realization that I can't carry with him. His damage is pretty mediocre, so I rely on my teammates to kill for me, which is iffy.

    If I want to carry or make an impact from the jungle, which characters would you recommend? Oh and a champion like Lee Sin takes more mechanical skill than I have time to master ;_;

    I'm thinking Amumu or Hecarim for my next project.
    Well, you can actually carry with either, it's just a matter of completely different playstyles. I wanted to hit gold this season on my EU West account, did it rather effortlessly with mostly jungle Alistar games and he isn't known for huge damage. He is there for the ganks, and his ganks are so good that if your laner only knows how to follow up on them, you will get kills or force the enemy out.

    On the other hand, someone like Shyvana, while she farms a lot and can become a tanky beast, also lacks in ways to help out losing lanes like the tanky junglers do. She still has certain strengths that make her viable - her malleability, her great base stats and damage, her counterjungling. Some of them don't come into play if she's shut down, though that usually doesn't happen at low skill levels.

    If you want a jungler that can beat up solo queuers, gank lanes and become a scary mid game presence, play Lee Sin or Darius. Both are pretty damn scary to face in the jungle. They're not late-game carries, but if you're fed a lot of kills, you can become way more self-reliant than another jungle. You want to ward their jungle and countergank them at any point while killing the enemy whenever they're slightly overextended. If you are Lee Sin and you catch someone low, they're not escaping.
    If you want a jungler who just wants to set up sure-fire kills for your laners to follow up and scale well without items, keep playing Nautilus or pick Maokai or Alistar or even Rammus. If you ping enough and at least appear to know what you're doing (usually achieved by getting first blood in a cascade of ganks and you hit your skillshots), your laners will follow up and you will get kills on enemies which will win your lanes. Later on you scale to become a really strong tank and your initiation can cause games to be won or lost. They don't require nearly as much gold, so if you want to keep on being a ganking machine, it's good to learn when to buy Oracle's for their wards to keep them on their toes.
    For farming goodness that has a lot of scaling and can deal a lot of damage by itself, Skarner, Dr. Mundo, Shyvana, Nocturne, Hecarim and... Amumu all come to my mind. All of them require quite a lot of farm to really carry (a fed Amumu deals tons of damage, but an unfed one is still very good utility), yet they have easy means of gaining said farm. Note that all of those are considered some of the better bruiser/tank picks for late game. (Which pretty much means they provide more utility than Lee Sin.)

    I'd recommend Dr. Mundo for the moment. He is strong for learning the ropes of counerjungling. His options are numerous; he can gank at level 2 with red buff or opt for farming his own jungle or harassing the enemy jungle; he has really good clearing speed; and, while he does stay low in the jungle, he's not quite as helpless as a lot of other junglers; in fact, at full health, he's one hell of a duelist. His negative sustain makes his early game relatively weak if he's caught unprepared, but he scales into a monster with a lot of damage. He just needs some items, but he has ways to acquire them either through farm or reckless ganking. He's a top pick and a very flexible jungler. And he's cheap! If you run the standard ASpeed/Armor/Mres/MoveSpeed runepage (it's customary for Nautilus), it will work well for Mundo as well. Start Cloth + 5, go 9/21/0 or 0/21/9, and go where you please.
    Last edited by Winthur; 2012-10-02 at 02:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldariel View Post
    Mordekaiser for president.