Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
"Hmm. I wonder what that was? If they're blowing things up in there, then it's even more tragic that this place is closing down. This is going to get exciting."

"Why not compromise? I could get one of each!" Night Jewel grinned. "I have no idea what I'm getting into here, but that hasn't ever stopped me before! Any more suggestions?"
Silverpine laughed. "That's the spirit. Never know till you tried eh?"

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy crossed his forelegs stubbornly. "I said I'm gettin' a root beer, an' a root beer is what I'm gettin'. I still remember what happened last time ya'll made me drink one of those..." The stallion shuddered from tail to eartip.

Sandy scooted another few inches away. This wasn't going to be pretty.
"Now, now Sandy. Y'all don't want to be the odd one out... I mean, what is the worst that could happen?" Silverpine was clearly having too much fun trying to coax Sandy into another reality breaker.