@Winds That's kinda what I pictured too. Scarring or a tattoo of some kind. Whatever, it's magic. She could have a disco ball on her collar bone for all I know.


Smashes my head right in. I was out so fast that I don't even remember hitting the floor, but I'll never forget that sound. My own skull splintering and cracking apart.
And he's... okay? It sounds like his noggin split open like a watermelon. I mean, I know there are healers and all, but this doesn't seem like the kind of thing a quick cure light wounds will fix, and if he's stealing stuff he probably couldn't afford a resurrection.

"Well then, Adrian, I'll get right to the point. I know you were trying to sell my seed to the Grey Guild last night.
Hurr hurr hurr selling his seed.

His eyes flash a crimson red as he starts muttering in a language I can't understand. I'm not good with magic, not like my brother is, but this spell I recognize. Charm Person.
I love the description of him casting the spell.

Crap. This is probably some kind of religious custom. I'm terrible at this kind of thing. I just smile at him nervously and hope he isn't expecting me to charm him back or anything.
BWAHAHAHA! The complete turn around is hilarious and even though he's under a mind-affecting spell he's still in character.

Overall I thought your snippet was... charming . Hilarious too. You really played the "perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way" part of the spell nicely.