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Thread: Blazing hate A fire red nuzlocke

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Blazing hate A fire red nuzlocke

    Aerodactyl: Garion (male) or Marion (female) He believes he was once a dragon. Constantly mentions it to the team (Who think he's another loony) but all that changes once he learns hyperbeam or flamethrower or something else dragony. Besides thinking he's a dragon he likes long flights and makes a good noble steed for Kelk! :D
    His personality is kind hearted but a tad arrogant. (Not to the point of obnoxiousness)
    He also has ancient knowledge of some great secret but won't elaborate since the team doesn't think he's a dragon.

    He also may have fought against some drug addled Anorith oh so very long ago ;)

    Omanyte: Agent 8465/The Master, an elderly secret agent working from the inside to corrupt the pokemafia. He IS hard of hearing and actually rather klutzy. the only reason he's still on the force in his old age is the fact that he is incredibly lucky to the point of craziness due to walking under a ladder while holding a black cat that smashed a mirror on his shell while spill salt. His luck went so far negative that it was infinitely positive.
    Personality-wise he is friendly and suspicious of all that he meets.
    He also tends to drum on his shell in a "Tap-tap-tap-tap" manner while he isn't paying attention. Or bored. Or whenever.

    Also fantastic updates Sir
    Last edited by Pterocards; 2012-10-02 at 09:54 PM.

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